Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Li'l Man or Li'l Mama's Boy?

While Katy attended a couple events for work last night, I was excited for some man time with Miles. I guess I was the only one...

After Miles and I got home from daycare, I started to feed him. Although he initially took the bottle, about a minute or so into it he all of a sudden burst into tears, looked at me and wailed something that sounded exactly like, "Ma! Ma!"

The initial shock of hearing my son speak, what were perhaps his first words, quickly eroded into slightly hurt feelings. Come on man; I know I'm a poor man's Ma! Ma!, but the bottle's full of breast milk and you know I can put on a hell of a puppet show...(or is the kid giving me courtesy giggles...hmm...)

"Miles," I said, and continued, "mama's not here, you're just hangin' with your papa..."

At that point, with a beet-red head, he turned away from me and shouted, "Ma! Ma!"

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