Sunday, November 23, 2008

A new era

This evening I posted an overdue update to the "About us" section.

Our family has changed from our original description:

Katy, Troy, Chloe, Kyra and Baby Monster

Troy: Husband, Twins fan, music lover and avid griller who typically smells nice. Katy: event planning genius, loving wife and excited soon-to-be Mom. Formerly a foodie before getting pregnant, she's now currently just a production vessel for Baby Monster. Chloe: Faithful dog, who is unsuspecting of the future and sudden demise from the high life as "only child." Kyra: cat that's around from time to time. Baby Monster: Ever growing, disruptive force who specializes in making Katy nauseous and sick.

My how you've grown...

Miles recently* had his four-week check-up. (*and by "recently," the neglectful poster means two weeks ago...)

We're happy to report Miles got an all systems go grade from the doc.

And, during his impressive four weeks of life review, we also learned he grew by a couple in both height and weight;* measuring in at 23.5-inches and 10.5-lbs.

*If Shaquille O'Neal grew at the same rate he'd go from 7'1" / 325 lbs. to 7'6" / 406 lbs. But then again, this comparison is odd and irrelevant.

Enjoy the pictures.

Miles, as seen in week one:

Miles, as seen weeks four - six:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Month of Marvel

Some Mogwai-esque gurgling noises – which we’ve become very fond of – woke Katy and me up at 4 a.m. this morning. By the time I was able to wipe the sleep from my eyes, Katy and Miles had already assumed their feeding position. This was no different from what has become the norm. But, the realization of this norm is what struck me.

After all, it’s only been a month since what was once a great mystery burst on to the scene as the newest, and certainly most popular, member of the family.

Most of the time it’s still hard for me to believe we’re actually parents. But walking into the TV room to find my wife with things that look like suction cups attached to her you-know-whats to draw and store Lil Man’s food certainly helps to drive the point home. Nobody but a mom would spend a Friday night this way. Nobody but a dad would make up nonsensical songs to the beat of this machine as it rhythmically pumps away. Nobody but a newborn would stare in awe to such out of tune, idiotic foolishness.

Becoming a parent is an amazing experience. But believe the hype, as it changes life quite a bit. For instance, it took 30-plus years for me to utter a phrase like, “whoa, does someone have a big doo-doo poo-poo pants?” Within the last four weeks, I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve said or heard such things from grown adults.

Never before have we been surrounded by so much love and joy from our friends and family… and occasional stranger at the grocery store.

The best part is that Miles is happy and healthy; and normally a splendor to be with. When he’s not eating or sleeping, he’s spent the good part of his first month meeting friends and family, and bonding with his mom and dad.

It appears his goal for next month is to master the art of lifting his head, as he’s already made great strides in this regard. Already, it makes us think: wow, how quickly he’s grown….

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Another typical Sunday finds me reading the paper and drinking coffee with Miles by my side in his swing.

He likes SportsCenter.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Yes we can!

It's truly a historic time. A healthy and happy new son has given our family a new direction. And, we believe the election of Obama to President will bring a new, happy and healthy direction to our country.

We couldn't be more thrilled to be a part of such historic events.