Sunday, October 19, 2008

With one week…

…of life under his belt, we’re happy to report Miles is doing well.

Current likes:





Determining the perfect arch for maximum distance peeing during diaper changes

Current dislikes:

Bright lights

Wet wipes



When we (try to) sing him to sleep; particularly when it’s ‘80s hair metal

Mom and Dad are enjoying the incredible adjustment to parenthood.

Excellent. Things are going as planned...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

And all of sudden...


It's my pleasure to humbly introduce to you the newest member of our family, Miles Patrick Tepley.

Born October 11, 2008 at 2:20 a.m, he entered the world as an 8 lb. 1 oz., 21.5" bundle of joy.

Monday, October 6, 2008

There is nothing to see here. Step away from the pregnant woman.

Katy's due date was last Friday, October 3. As you can imagine, she's showing a wee bit.

I feel for this woman. Her birthday was last Monday and we celebrated by enjoying take out at home and watching movies. Even though the take out was from our favorite, the 112 Eatery, dining out of plastic containers lacks that certain je ne se qua of going out to celebrate in a nice restaurant. But, according to my wife, sometimes being the spectacle in a room can get old and she just didn't want to deal with it.

I've witnessed this first hand on many occasions. The other weekend as we went for take-out (notice a theme here?), Katy decided to walk into the restaurant with me. Upon entering, jaws and forks dropped simultaneously. Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster could have made it through the restaurant in a sleigh being pulled by unicorns and no one would've noticed as all eyes were glued to my very pregnant wife.

Don't get me wrong, as a man I've made more than my fair share of stupid statements around and toward pregnant women. But spending the past month with my wife makes me want to get a bullhorn and state the following as we walk in public together:
"Stop staring at the pregnant woman. There is nothing to see here, being pregnant is completely natural. Have no fear, a baby will not instantly sploosh out of her at any time, ruining your breakfast. Step away from the pregnant woman. Keep moving. There is nothing to see here. She is not a Buddha with hair; you may not touch her belly for good luck. And, to answer your question Captain Obvious, yes she is due any day now. Thank you. Move along. There is nothing to see here....."

For the love of your mom Lil' Man, any day now, please...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The summer of ’08 happened and all we got was a doughnut…

A cool chill woke me up as it breezed through our bedroom this morning. And then, as I stood without a jacket, I shivered for the first time in a long time as I waited for the train. It’s official. Summer is over and all Katy and I got to show for it was a doughnut.

Well technically, Katy had two doughnuts, but I’m only counting because I can’t believe summer passed with such little summertime fun.

Between work and preparation for Lil’ Man, Katy and I took a total of one extended weekend vacation together this summer. One. Not to mention, we spent it with her family at their annual camping trip in Devil’s Lake outside Wisconsin Dells.

Don’t get me wrong, nothing beats bonding by the campfire, but sleeping in a tent on an air mattress, surrounded by extended family does little to scratch the “we time” itch.

Then again, this summer was all worth it. The doughnuts at Paul Bunyan’s in the Dells can’t be beat. That, and we got to enjoy the thrill of preparing for what will be one of the newest arrivals around next year’s campfire circle.

Don’t worry Lil’ Man, there’ll be plenty of room around the fire and doughnuts to go around for many years to come - with hopefully some more summer fun mixed in too...