Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winter is here! Now what do we do?

"What's on the docket today, Ma-Na?"

I've been seeking out indoor activities for Miles and I on the winter days we have together. A couple months ago, a friend (with a daughter just a few weeks younger than Miles) suggested the Butterfly Tent inside the amusement park at the MOA. With a heavy sigh (by me), Miles and I packed up and headed to the biggest mall (is that still true?) in the USA for some indoor fun.

Surprisingly, it was not so terrible on a Monday afternoon and the butterfly tent was spectacular. Plenty of room to crawl around (for Miles), many colorful butterflies to chase, and other kids to watch.

In fact, it was so much fun that we returned this past Monday - and we brought friends.

Miles chasing butterflies

Can't talk, crawling...


Miles' friend T with butterfly.

Clearly I hadn't watched the local news in the last couple days because I wasn't aware that the meeting place we had chosen was the exact location of Sarah Palin's book signing. Although crowded and chaotic, I have to admit the people watching was second to none. Big cheers were heard when Sarah's husband and finally, Sarah made an appearance. As we walked though the amusement park, the line snaked all the way around with people clutching their newly purchased copies of "Going Rouge" (along with a receipt proving purchase at the mall that very day, which was required to meet the "real American" author).

Unfortunately*, we missed the attempted assault with a tomato... From the great distance we were required to keep without recently purchased book in hand and a VERY, VERY long wait in line, the best photo I was able to pull off is this fuzzy one below...

After visiting the butterflies, we made our way to Legoland, where Miles and friend built a couple of impressive structures.

Sleepy guy near the end of an action-packed day...

All in all, a successful trip. My search continues for more fun activities for an (almost) toddler in the winter in MN. Suggestions are welcome.


*We do not wish harm on anyone, but I imagine it would have been quite a scene to witness...