Thursday, September 25, 2008

Your call is important to Li'l' Man...

I recently called our phone company to change our service. I was on hold for what felt like forever.

My on-hold experience included some looping background music that was only interrupted by a reassuring voice that informed me, “(my) your call is important to us, one of our service representatives will be with you as soon as possible….”

This was followed by more of the same background music, interrupted by the same statement every minute or so; repeat: loop….

This is what the last month of my wife’s pregnancy has been like. Day after day of people saying, “so, when are you going to have that baby?" And, I’m not even the one with the prego belly.

If everyone, including myself, feels like this pregnancy thing is taking forever, I can't imagine what it's like for Katy.

This makes me think that mother nature truly does move in well-intentioned, mysterious ways.

We've been bursting at the seams (literally for my wife) for the answer at the other end of the line for what feels like forever. I think it's all part of a grand plan to ensure we'll be as excited and ready as we possibly can be for this bundle of big change and responsibility.

Moms, particularly mother nature, are smart. But, being on hold gets old after awhile…. Answer the call Li'l' Man! We're waiting... Oh yea, time to get the car seat installed I suppose.

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